- To collect, process and store biospecimens and associated data with standardized quality.
- To expand the variety of the types of samples.
- To provide biospecimens and associated data for research and teaching.
- To cooperate with research institutions on a national and international level.
- To contribute to the development and competitiveness of European research in a global context.
Quality Policy of BBM
The mission of the BBM 1FM CU is to provide samples of healthy and pathological tissues for medical and biomedical research. This is carried out by collecting, processing, storing and distributing samples of various diseases, including, and most importantly, cancer. Relevant information for the future use of samples for research is recorded and stored in the BBM 1FM CU database with the appropriate privacy protection of the donors. BBM 1FM CU provides samples of standardized quality based on the requirements of current medical and biomedical research. The BBM 1FM CU staff cooperates with healthcare professionals and scientists for the purpose of improving the quality and the variety of samples.
BBM 1FM CU follows the latest trends in the field of biobanking and cooperates with other biobanks on a national and international level. The BBM 1FM CU staff realizes that the quality of distributed biospecimens co-determines the quality of future research. Thus, the biobank’s staff is indirectly involved in the outcomes related to the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
The activities of BBM 1FM CU are carried out in accordance with current legislation and bioethical principles. The mission of the BBM 1FM CU is to also encourage public discussion and to explain the issues pertaining to the donation for research purposes.