BBM Board and Executive Team are the key management and executive body of BBM 1FM CU. The BBM Board is the main steering body responsible for review of the biobank activities, oversees the implementation of the objectives and determines the biobank development plan.

The basic units of BBM 1FM CU are departments where biospecimens are processed and stored. These are Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics (IMBLD) and Institute of Pathology (IP). The samples are collected at different clinics and departments collaborating with the biobank. Each of these departments is represented in the BBM Board.

The Approval Committee is responsible for review and approval of distribution of BBM 1FM CU samples for research projects.

Our people

prof. Tomas Zima, M.D., D.Sc., MBA Prof. Tomas Zima, MD, PhD, MBA
Chairman of BBM Board
Member of Executive Team and Approval Committee 
Assoc. prof. Katerina Jirsova, M.Sc., Ph.D. Prof. Katerina Jirsova, PhD
Vice-chairman of BBM Board
Project manager
Member of Executive Team
prof. Marta Kalousova, M.D., Ph.D. Prof. Marta Kalousova, MD, PhD
Member of BBM Board 
Member of Executive Team and Approval Committee
Representative of IMBLD (Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital)
dundr Prof. Pavel Dundr, MD, PhD
Member of BBM Board 
Member of Executive Team and Approval Committee
Representative of IP (Institute of Pathology of the First Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital)
Vera Frankova, M.Sc., Ph.D. Vera Frankova, PhD et PhD
Member of BBM Board
Member of Executive Team and Approval Committee
BBM Expert in Bioethics
no photo Jaroslava Hajkova, MSc
Executive manager and Quality engineer
Member of Executive Team
no photo Jitka Karafiatova Hojkova, MSc
Office manager
no photo Kamila Kabeleova, MSc
Economic officer
Member of Executive Team 
no photo Iva Sekulova
HR officer

no photo Radek Jaksa, MD, PhD
Representative of IP 
no photo Michaela Slukova, MSc
Biochemist IMBLD 
no photo Marketa Safarikova, PhD
Molecular geneticist IMBLD 


Brigita Vesela; Jana Sidlova; Lenka Matiaskova, BSc; Mgr. Natalia Gajdosova, MSc;
Lucie Hockova, Katerina Jindrichovska, Michala Markovicova
Dita Hudcova (head technician IMBLD)
Eva Nemcova; Hana Rehakova; Olena Yakovchuk, BSc (IMBLD)


Cestmir Stuka, PhD, MBA - Network administrator
Petr Hubal, BSc - Assistant of network administrator
Ivan Pesek, Martin Pavlicek - IT assistance